Colegio Albania

School Improvement Plan

We want our students to be...

Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Critical Thinkers, Strong Communicators in English and Spanish, Principled, Open-Minded, Caring, Risk Takers, Balanced, Reflective - *IB Learner Profile

Best Practices in Classroom Instruction

  • Active, collaborative, student centered, research-based learning and instruction
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Effective transition planning primary to middle school, middle school to diploma
  • Use of data to inform planning

Use of Technology for 21st Century Learning

  • Develop and implement digital learning strategies
  • Increase internet capacity and install infrastructure to ensure fast reliable service while maintaining security
  • Establish cycle for replacement of aging hardware (tablets, laptops, projectors etc.)
  • Provide staff with professional development focused on technology in the classroom

Positive School Culture

  • Promote positive perception and use of English with all stakeholders
  • Ensure a safe and healthy work environment through consistent application of policies and procedures
  • Increase parent engagement


In 2018 Colegio Albania was granted full accreditation for another five years through its American-based accrediting organization AdvancEd and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). The external team’s final report noted that the school “enjoys high quality throughout its entire operation” and gave significant impulse to our plans for continuous improvement by recognizing powerful practices, indicating opportunities for improvement and identifying required actions.

International Baccalaureate

Colegio Albania is authorized to offer the IBO Primary Years Program, Middle Years Program and the Diploma Program.